3C Policy


Children First

Prioritize children's well-being and safe.

Culture Always

Respect cultural norms and values.

Community Forever

Collaborate for a safe environment.

Principles and Belief

A child’s welfare is our priority, and each student has the right to be protected from harm and their welfare is safeguarded. As a school we work in partnership with parents/carers and/or other professionals to ensure the protection of our students.



True North International School adheres to these basic principles, expected from all teachers, parents, students and non-teaching staff.
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Adherence to Protocols

Teachers must strictly follow TNIS's child safeguarding protocols to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment.
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Vigilance and Action

Teachers should be vigilant for signs of abuse and report concerns to Child Protection Officers.
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Training and Awareness

Teachers must complete child protection and safe recruitment training to effectively handle potential situations.
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Professional Conduct

Teachers must understand that any breaches of conduct, both within and outside the workplace, can lead to disciplinary or legal consequences.

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Information Sharing

Parents should actively share and update information about their child's behavior and any concerning signs they observe.
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Reporting Suspicions

If parents suspect any form of abuse, they should promptly report their concerns to the homeroom teacher, advisor or principal.

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Parents should cooperate fully with the school and any external agencies involved in investigating child safeguarding concerns.
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Awareness and Education

Parents should educate themselves about child safeguarding issues and be aware of the signs of abuse to ensure their children's safety and well-being.
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Policy Awareness

All non-teaching staff must be familiar with the school's Child Safeguarding Policy and their specific roles and responsibilities within it.
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Vigilance and Reporting

Non-teaching staff should be vigilant for signs of abuse, both past, current, or recurring. Any suspicions should be reported immediately to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) or Child Protection Officer.
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Non-teaching staff should cooperate with the school and any external agencies involved in child safeguarding investigations.
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Supporting Students

Non-teaching staff should create a safe and supportive environment for students and be mindful of their well-being.
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Report Suspected Abuse

Students should report any suspicion or knowledge of abuse, both within and outside the school, to their homeroom teacher, advisor or Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

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Awareness and Understanding

Students should be aware of the signs of abuse and understand the importance of reporting any concerns.
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Support for Peers

Students should support and encourage their peers to report any suspected abuse.
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Safe Learning Environment

Students should contribute to creating a safe and supportive learning environment for all by following school rules and being respectful of others.

Reporting Progress

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Anonymous Reporting System

Fill in an anonymous form to report suspected cases of child abuse, sexual misconduct and equal opportunity or neglect.

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Easy Access

The system can be accessed by scanning a QR code or visiting the form.



All information will be kept confidential and addressed promptly.
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All cooperation in essential in ensuring a safe and secure learning environment.
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Child Protection Officers

Mrs. Terri Pham

Principal International Elementary School/Chief Child Protection Officer

Mrs. Kim Miseon

Korean Admissions Officer/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs. Vu Thi Oanh


Mrs. Ngo Thi Hoang Yen
