there were more than one assailants/accused
dating, relationship, spouse
the relationship between the assailant and the victim is unknown
a stranger (did not know the victim)
sexual assault (sexual contact without consent)
sexual harassment (unwanted sexual behavior, name calling, teasing, etc.)
stalking (unwanted following, calling, contacting by a person who has been told to stop)
intimate violence (physical, emotional, financial, and/or sexual violence, etc. within a dating or domestic relationship)
public indecency (exposing one's genitals, flashing, mooning, etc.)
acquaintance rape (unwanted intercourse or penetration into an orifice by a person you know)
stranger rape (unwanted intercourse or penetration into an orifice by a person you don't know)
gender based violence/discrimination
ableism (ability discrimination)
intimidation and coercion
abuse of position of authority
abuse of state of consciousness of the victim (the victim was not coherent, unable to consent)
force was not a part of this incident
no drugs or alcohol were involved
accused was under the influence
unknown if the accused was under the influence
the person directly impacted was under the influence
the person directly impacted took the drugs/alcohol voluntarily
unknown of the the person directly impacted was under the influence
You do not have to provide any contact information. If you choose to do so, this form is no longer anonymous. However, your contact information is kept strictly confidential.
If you are a faculty or staff member making this report about someone other than yourself- you must leave your name to fulfill those obligations.